Early Years: 0 to 5 yrs

The following is a Child Development Chart of the first 5 years created by Harold Ireton, PH.D. Please remember that children develop at different rates and this is only a general guide. If you have concerns about your child's development please contact a professional. For child development charts for children ages 6 to 12 years please visit our Middle Years Child Development page.

Download the a PDF of the chart in the following languages:

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  • Distinguishes mother from others.
  • Social smile.


  • Comforts self with thumb or pacifier.
  • Reacts to sight of bottle or breast.

Gross Motor

  • Turns around when lying on stomach.
  • Lifts head and chest when lying on stomach.

Fine Motor

  • Picks up toy with one hand.
  • Looks at and reaches for faces and toys.


  • Vocalizes spontaneously, social.
  • Reacts to voices. Vocalizes, coos, chuckles.


  • Pushes things away he/she does not want.
  • Reaches for familiar persons.


  • Feeds cracker to self.

Gross Motor

  • Sits alone . . .steady, without support.
  • Rolls over from back to stomach.

Fine Motor

  • Picks up object with thumb and finger grasp.
  • Transfers toy from one hand to the other.


  • Wide range of vocalizations ( vowel sounds, consonant-vowel combinations).
  • Responds to name—turns and looks.


  • Plays patty-cake.
  • Plays social games, peek-a-boo, bye-bye.


  • Picks up spoon by handle.

Gross Motor

  • Walks around furniture or crib while holding on.
  • Crawls around on hands and knees.

Fine Motor

  • Picks up small object—precise thumb and finger grasp.


  • Understands words like “No,” “Stop,” or “All gone.”
  • Word sounds—says “ma-ma” or “Da-da.”


  • Greets people with “Hi” or similar.
  • Gives hugs or kisses.
  • Wants stuffed animal, doll, or blanket in bed.


  • Insists on doing things by self such as feeding. Feeds self with a spoon.
  • Lifts cup to mouth and drinks.

Gross Motor

  • Runs.
  • Walks without help.
  • Stands without support.

Fine Motor

  • Scribbles with crayon.
  • Picks up two small toys in one hand.
  • Stacks two or more blocks.


  • Asks for food or drink with words.
  • Talks in single words.
  • Follows simple instructions.


  • Usually responds to correction-stops.
  • Shows sympathy to other children, tries to comfort them.
  • Sometimes says, “No” when interfered with.


  • Takes off open coat or shirt without help.
  • Eats with spoon, spilling little.
  • Eats with fork.

Gross Motor

  • Walks up and down stairs alone.
  • Runs well, seldom falls.
  • Kicks a ball forward.

Fine Motor

  • Turns pages of picture books, one at a time.
  • Builds towers of four or more blocks.


  • Follows two-part instructions.
  • Uses at least ten words.
  • Follows simple instructions.


  • Plays a role in “pretend” games: mom-dad, teacher, space pilot.
  • Plays with other children—cars, dolls, building.
  • “Helps” with simple household tasks.


  • Dresses self with help.
  • Washes and dries hands.
  • Opens door by turning knob.

Gross Motor

  • Walks up and down stairs-one foot per step.
  • Stands on one foot without support.
  • Climbs on play equipment-ladders, slides.

Fine Motor

  • Cuts with small scissors.
  • Draws or copies vertical lines.
  • Scribbles with circular motion.


  • Understands four prepositions—in, on, under, beside.
  • Talks clearly-is understandable most of the time.
  • Talks in two-three word phrases or sentences.


  • Protective toward younger children.
  • Plays cooperatively, with minimum conflict and supervision.
  • Gives directions to other children.


  • Dresses and undresses without help, except for tying shoelaces.
  • Washes face without help.
  • Toilet trained.

Gross Motor

  • Hops on one foot, without support.
  • Rides around on a tricycle, using pedals.

Fine Motor

  • Cuts across paper with small scissors.
  • Draws or copies a complete circle.


  • Understands concepts—size, number, shape.
  • Counts to five or more objects when asked, “How many?”
  • Identifies four colours correctly.
  • Combines sentences with the words “and,” “or,” or “but.”


  • Shows leadership among children.
  • Follows simple game rules in board games or card games.


  • Goes to the toilet without help.
  • Usually looks both ways before crossing street.
  • Buttons one or more buttons.

Gross Motor

  • Swings on swing, pumping by self.
  • Skips or makes running “broad jumps.”
  • Hops around on one foot without support.

Fine Motor

  • Prints first name.
  • Draws a person that has at least three parts-head, eyes, nose, mouth, etc.
  • Draws recognizable pictures.


  • Tells meaning of familiar words.
  • Reads a few letters (five +).
  • Follows a series of three simple instructions.