Early Years Centre Opening
Tri-Cities Early Years Centre News Release
Easy Access to Programs for Families with Young Children through the
New Tri-Cities Early Years Centre
“Every door is an open door”
For Immediate Release – October 22, 2015.
Tri-Cities – Free drop-in programs for families of young children are now closer to home than ever. Through the new Tri-Cities BC Early Years Centre, now open at 20 sites, parents, guardians, and children can take part in fun, play-based learning activities while enjoying social time with neighbours, connecting with a community rich in diverse cultures and backgrounds, and accessing information and referrals to other early childhood programs and supportive family services.
Supported by the Tri-Cities Early Childhood Development Committee and hosted and coordinated by SHARE Family and Community Services, the network of 20 neighbourhood-based locations offered by seven partners ensures that “every door is an open door” for families to find the services they need for their young children. Parents and caregivers with children from birth to age six can get more information, including the locations of the 20 Tri-Cities sites and program schedules, at www.sharesociety.ca and www.tricitiesecd.ca.
“SHARE is excited to have this opportunity to be the host for the new BC Early Years Centre in the Tri-Cities. Working with our community partners, our vision of a BC Early Years Centre is to offer increased support, programs, and information under one umbrella, helping parents provide their young children with opportunities to develop to their full potential,” said John Maddalozzo, Director of Early Years Programs and Services at SHARE.
“It is well known that early intervention in a child’s development will pay dividends later in life,” said Port Moody-Coquitlam MLA Linda Reimer. “This center will provide parents and their children the opportunity to access services at their own convenience and receive the support they need.”
“The Tri-Cities Early Childhood Development Committee is pleased to support this innovative way to enhance coordination, integration, and access to early years services in the Tri-Cities, through the Tri-Cities BC Early Years Centre. We look forward to increasing our capacity to better serve children under the age of 6 and their families in the Tri-Cities,” added Susan Foster, Tri-Cities Early Childhood Development Community Development Co-ordinator at Ministry of Children and Family Development.
SHARE Family and Community Services is a non-profit, independent, community-based organization providing leadership and programs in response to the social needs of the residents of the Tri-Cities and New Westminster. Their core services revolve around three pillars: uprooting poverty; social well-being; and inclusive communities. The partner network of the Tri-Cities Early Years Centre includes Place Maillardville, Step-by-Step Child Development Society, S.U.C.C.E.S.S., Tri-City Family Place, YMCA Child Care Resource & Referral, plus School District 43 (Coquitlam).
Learn More
SHARE Family and Community Services: www.sharesociety.ca
Tri-Cities Early Childhood Development Committee: www.tricitiesecd.ca
Provincial Office for the Early Years: www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/early_years/index.htm
Media Contact
John Maddalozzo
Director, Early Years Programs and Services
SHARE Family and Community Services
Phone: 604-529-5133
Email: john.maddalozzo@sharesociety.ca
Opening Day Photos
Click on the photos to view larger versions.

Partners at Sign Unveiling: (l-r) John Maddalozzo (SHARE), Andrea Hunter (School District 43), Susan Foster (Tri-Cities Early Childhood Development Committee), Mayor Richard Stewart (City of Coquitlam), Barb Hobson (Trustee, Coquitlam School District), Luke Balson (Place Maillardville Community Centre), Roxann MacDonald (SHARE), Debbie Pudek (SHARE Board of Directors), Christine Kinney-Ludlow (Tri-City Family Place), Sheila McFadzean (SHARE), Valerie Lavallie (Step-By-Step Child Development Society), Supriya Bhattacharyya (SHARE).