A Tribute To Angelo Lam
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- A Tribute To Angelo Lam

Angelo Lam & Susan Foster
Angelo Lam was a passionate advocate for Children and Youth. He moved the work of the Tri-Cities Middle Childhood Table forward by leaps and bounds, during the 7 years that he served as coordinator.
Angelo was compassionate, caring, brilliant, innovative, creative, passionate, hard-working, collaborative and genuine. He truly loved his work and his community. Angelo believed that we can make a difference if we work together.
The work Angelo led through the Tri-Cities Children’s Charter initiative will live on, and will be a legacy to children in our community. Thank you, Angelo, for sharing your gifts and making a difference in the lives of children and families in the Tri-Cities.
Susan Foster
Thank-You Angelo Lam
Angleo was a true Children's Champion. With the support of Susan Foster and multiple community partners, he was instrumental in bringing the Children's Charter of Rights to the Tri-Cities in a way that fosters collaboration, respect and dedication in our community.
May we continue along the path he paved for the success of our children.