Tri-Cities Children's Charter
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- Tri-Cities Children's Charter
The Communities of Anmore, Belcarra, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Port Moody agree that the Early and Middle Childhood Years (birth to 12 years) are critical in the healthy development and future well-being of children in our communities. Our partners have been instrumental in helping to create and adopt the Tri-Cities Children's Charter of Rights. Visit the Rights in Action page to see how our community is addressing these rights and how you can adopt the rights within your family, school, business and our community.
English (PDF) | Farsi (PDF) | Korean (PDF) | Chinese (PDF)
Thank you to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Tri-City Service Centre for the translations.
1The Right ToHave A Voice

2The Right ToBe Loved & Have A Family

3The Right ToHave Friends

4The Right ToBelong

5The Right ToHave Peace & Safety

6The Right ToHave A Clean Environment

7The Right ToHave A Home

8The Right ToHave Space For Recreation & Play

9The Right ToLearn

10The Right ToBe Respected

11The Right ToNutritious Food & Healthy Living

12The Right ToExplore, Dream & Create

How Was The Charter Created?
The Tri-Cities Childrens' Charter of Rights was officially launched on April 18, 2018 but not before significant planning, visioning and most importantly input from children and the community. Find out more about how the children's voices were heard.

Thank-You Angleo Lam
Angelo was a passionate advocate for children and youth. He played a significant role in the creation and development of the children's charter. An initiative that lives on and will be a legacy to our children and the community.
Our Partners
Creating a community commitment to upholding children’s rights as they have been expressed and reflected upon by children themselves requires the collaborative effort of numerous amazing partners. Here's our growing list of partners: